Serving the Marginalised of the Community in Kolkata for the past 48 Years

Started on the 5th of August, 2001 with the generous and caring concern of a single donor from Canada with the aim to see that members of the community who found themselves on the street with no roof over their head are given a shelter for the night.
The Shelter has the capacity to admit as many as 10 persons at any one time. A caretaker, a security guard and a cleaner have been employed to look after the premises. Provision for washing of clothes, watching T.V., reading books / magazines, playing indoor games and counselling sessions are provided.
Comfortable beds, bed linen, towels, toiletries and night clothes are provided together with a warm substantial meal at night, and a good breakfast in the morning.
At the Night Shelter the resident may also receive medical treatment and if necessary rehabilitation either in Old Age Homes or in Employment. The Shelter is a place where the homeless may rest for the night without having to face the darkness and cruelty of the elements or the law enforcement.
The shelter is never filled to capacity and this has continued to bewilders us considering that there are people still on the street, a combination of factors has always been stated for this but for us at CAISS this has been a solace for a number of the homeless when they have needed a roof over their head and a meal which was the first in a number of days.